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Hello, everybody. I am Incognizant. I also occasionally go by the names Inky and Alina on my various accounts. This is a site about me. If you don't want to know about me, go away. Also, I like to be mysterious. Don't be surprised if there aren't straightforward information here.



You probably want to asl me. I'll reluctantly tell you. I am of a certain age. I am some gender. I live in a place that is far away from you.

You might also want to know a little biographical background information. I've been writing music for hella years. I think I've been playing the piano for twice that. I should be better at both of those by now. Concerning requests, you should just contact me. I do everything for free. Your payment to me will be gratitude and reputation points.

Why don't I have music playable on this site? I don't feel like it. Clicking to my bandcamp isn't that hard.

Will I ever make songs with lyrics? Maybe. I would definitely do it if I didn't have to sing.


I am, by some definitions, a weirdo. I use the dozenal system, which is something that you should look up.

You may have also noticed that though my albums  do not have lyrics, their names have been written in a variety of languages. I don't like that English, such a horribly difficult language, is the lingua franca of the world. I will try to translate this into a variety of languages. I also just love languages in general. They're all really interesting in their own ways.

I felt like I was going to write more here. Oh well.


I have many sources of inspiration and things that I like a lot. Here they are in no particular order:


They Might Be Giants


Vienna Teng

My Friends





Vi Hart




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